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I co-chaired this session with the wonderful Janet Lumb from Montreal. The title was set before I came on board. It...
I would like to offer my gratitude to the Lekwungen People for being such gracious and generous hosts of this gathe...
At the first-of-its-kind Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires Indigenous and People of Colour artist gathering in 2017,...
Freedom of expression in a special space. Several topics emerged as soon as the workshop began, such as curiosity ...
University of Washington professor Dr. Robin DiAngelo reads from her book "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for Whit...
In towns throughout Ontario, there are startling reminders of the colonization of Indigenous territories and the disp...
This reading guide is intended to support formal and informal discussions of White Fragility. We offer the following ...
Feature Image: Anna Binta Diallo at the Lekwungen Gathering 2017, photo credit: Kirk Schwartz I had the privilege ...
Sixteen years ago I arrived as an uninvited guest on Lekwungen territory. Not that I would have used those words at t...